Six top tips: How to know when it’s the right time to sell
Maybe your home no longer works for you the way it once did or you want to make it work harder as an investment. Spot the right time to make your move with our six top tips.
1. Growing family, shrinking home. As baby arrives and toddlers become teens, your wee home may be sadly outgrown. If you find yourself browsing school zones while getting some quiet time in the wardrobe, that’s a good sign you’re ready to sell.
2. Home vs lifestyle. Does your home still help you live the way you want to? Or does it now hinder your social life, business or work, sports, hobbies and interests, family dynamics, pets and houseplant potential?
3. You’re in a good space. Selling your home is a big deal emotionally. You’ll know it’s time to sell when you’re ready for something new. It just feels right.
4. Market signs. Look for when the market appears to be favouring sellers - with plenty of buyers, fewer listings and high demand.
5. A plan. Make sure you have a practical, financial plan in place for securing your next home, looking ahead to the successful sale of yours.
6. Investment calls. Selling to downsize can free up equity you can then re-invest in property in promising areas or categories, as opportunities arise.