The Edinburgh Realty eNewsletter

Issue #90 | October 2020


Six top tips: Maximum impact for minimal spend

So you’re selling and the house looks great. But how does it look from the road? Is your front garden looking fabulous and welcoming? Here are some bang-for-buck tips.

1. Structure and simplicity work well in front gardens: Messy and chaotic… not so much. Often, less is more.

2. Include some perfumed plants: Smell is a very strong and emotive sense. Use it to your advantage.

3. Make sure the lawn looks fabulous: A little water and weed control will go a long way.

4. Match the style of your garden to the style of your house: Does it suit mass planting? Or does it need a splash of colour?

5. Walk back and forth past your house: Is it inviting? Is it obvious which door visitors should come to? Strategic planting guides people in the right direction.

6. The front fence is the first thing people see: Make sure it looks sharp. That includes the state of your letterbox.