Edinburgh Premier Art Awards 2023
Entries now open!
We are excited to announce the 16th annual Edinburgh Premier Art Awards. Edinburgh is proud to once again support this event and the arts in Otago, in collaboration with the Otago Art Society. We know that a great deal of work goes into each entry and the calibre of skill is always high.
The exhibition is our premier event of the year and a highlight in the Edinburgh calendar. We can’t wait to see this year’s entries!
Whether you have recently completed work or you’re thinking of creating a new piece, it’s time to start preparing. The exhibition is a fabulous opportunity to showcase your work and achieve recognition from the wider community. If selected, your entry will be displayed in the exhibition which runs from 5 August to 2 September, with all artworks available for purchase.
In this year’s exhibition, we have seven cash prizes to award. This is an excellent opportunity for artists to be involved in a premier event with a prize pool of $8000. Maybe your work could win you top honours and the $3000 first place prize!
Keep an eye on our socials for key dates and details in the lead-up to the exhibition @edinburghrealty on Facebook and Instagram.