The Edinburgh Realty eNewsletter

Issue #66 | September 2018


Six top tips for a spring garden spring-clean

Spring is like Christmas for the green-thumbed, with abundant gifts of light, warmth and colour. Make the most of lighter evenings and the warm soil to get in some garden graft. Here are our six top tips for spring-cleaning your garden.

1. Speaking of Christmas… Plant “early” potato varieties now to enjoy delicious homegrown spuds with Santa.

2. Make way for salad days. Clear out the winter crops – it’s salad time! Good starters are spinach, spring onions, peas and beans, celery, carrots, beetroot and everyone’s favourite, broccoli.

3. A feast for your eyes. Forget seed trays - go a bit wild and sow directly into the soil. Sweetpeas, cornflowers, cosmos, marigolds or a good wildflower mix will brighten your garden.

4. Divide and conquer. Break up clumps of overcrowded good-doers and share them around other areas in your garden or with your gardening friends.

5. Love your lawn. Pluck out weeds and moss, then patch up bare areas with fresh soil and seed.

6. Nip them in the bud. Get onto weeds before they take off and take over. They’re the only flipside to this magical season of growth.