Six top tips: Be firewood savvy
March seems too early to be thinking about winter – but when it comes to firewood, now is the time to get your ducks in a row. When ordering your firewood, here are our six top tips and questions to ask.
1. Price per metre?
Ring around and get yourself a good deal. That said, if you already have a wood merchant that delivers good dry wood and is reliable, stick with them – but don’t be afraid to ask some questions, including querying if there is a discount for larger orders.
2. Does the price include delivery?
3. What type of wood is it?
Pine and willow will be cheaper, while blue gum, macrocarpa and manuka will be more expensive.
4. How dry is the wood?
The closer you are to winter, the drier you need the wood to be, as it will hold moisture in the colder months.
5. Will they put the firewood into your woodshed?
Usually they won’t, but you can always ask the question.
6. If your fireplace has a small firebox, be sure to tell the wood merchant.