The Edinburgh Realty eNewsletter

Issue #55 | October 2017


Six top tips: Creating an outdoor entertaining area

Summer is coming. Who doesn’t want to spend as much time as possible outside, enjoying the sun? If you don’t already have an outdoor entertaining area, here are some tips to create just such a space.

1. Identify the best spot. One that’s (a) sheltered from the prevailing breeze, (b) catches late afternoon sun and (c) is hopefully close to the kitchen (i.e. fridge).

2. Set the space up to be ready for action at any time. Put the chairs and tables in place, so – when you need to use the space – you can do so without any prep.

3. Is it private? If not, plant appropriate-size shrubs or install a fence or wall that enhances the space.

4. Think about a lighting source. You don’t need light that’s suitable for reading. It may be as simple as candles in glass jars.  

5. Stash a box of tricks. Consider popping a waterproof trunk out of sight, so you can keep a towel for wiping down seats, a couple of rugs and the candles nice and handy.

6. Ambiance is key. The space’s success comes down to how relaxing it is to spend time in. And that’s not about budget – it’s about thought and planning.