The Edinburgh Realty eNewsletter

Issue #97 | May 2021


Six top tips for living in the home you’re selling

If visitors to your home spark a frenzy of kicking Lego under the couch and throwing dirty clothes, dishes and pets into the nearest cupboard, you might appreciate our six top tips for living in the home you're selling.

1. Pare it down. Keep what you need for living day to day and remove everything else. Less clutter means less work to keep things clean and tidy, and makes your home appear more neutral, spacious and appealing.

2. Keep a window. Arrange to have at least a couple of hours grace to put your home into viewing mode - so it’s toasty warm, the cushions are plumped and everything is fresh and sparkly when the viewers arrive.

3. Get a ‘go’ bag or box. Fill a bag or large box with all the bits and pieces you’ll need with you when ducking out during viewings and open homes, and keep a list of things to throw in just before you go - laptop, glasses, keys, kids, pets, food.

4. Freshen up the fridge. Yes, people do look in there, and in cupboards and wardrobes. Clear away any frightening leftovers, skeletons, dust bunnies, old suitcases, sports gear, costumes and toys.

5. Protect precious things. Lock away all valuables including medications, photos, keys, documents and personal info, or store them somewhere safe (not in the fridge).

6. Make it a clean sweep. Once everything is looking absolutely gorgeous and sparkling for the photos, keep cleaning little and often, leave shoes at the door in a box - and wipe, vacuum and tidy as you go. Then you'll only need a quick sweep before that busload of buyers arrives.